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How to create a Windows to Go USB


Instructions for making a Windows to Go USB drive



  • A reliable USB flash drive or external hard drive. The faster the drive, the snappier the Windows to Go installation will feel. I personally use a Samsung T7; I'm a big fan of Samsung's drives.


  • Rufus: For creating the bootable USB drive
  • Windows 11 ISO: To create the Windows To Go installation

Download Rufus and the Windows 11 ISO above. Start Rufus and proceed

Step by Step Directions

  • Intel Chipset
  • Intel RST
  • Intel Graphics
  • Intel Wifi


  • You won't be able to see internal drives until you run the Intel RST driver on some computers.


  • I use Pro for my Windows version so Bitlocker tools are available.
  • Windows To Go will reboot during initial setup; in order to continue be sure to catch it and change the boot sequence to the external drive.
  • I like to use a different wallpaper for my WindowsToGo installs to make it easier.
    Windows 365